
快過年了!! 最近焦點都放在一些2011年的運勢, 還有辦年貨身上, 發覺住在新加坡這個雙語介面良好的國家, 最大的好處就是傳統華人民俗或食品, 這裡的英文介紹到處都是, 書寫的中英文都詳實, 真的很受用. 還記得前一陣子, 台灣新聞一直報導"檸檬愛玉Lemon love jade"英文的笑話, 新聞直指翻譯人員的英文不好, Justine想了一下, 覺得並不然, 或許應該說是翻譯人員的中文不好, 才會鬧此笑話. 個人覺得, 對任何一個中文為母語的人來說, 應該很容易就知道"愛玉"是一種食物, 大概遇到英文好, 但中文不好的人, 才會搞不懂"愛玉"這玩意兒, 才直譯是love jade. 不過話說回來, 新聞中也沒告訴大家說愛玉的英文到底是什麼? 有人知道愛玉英文怎麼翻嗎? 這種問題問些ABC大概就考倒他們了, 但是問問新加坡人吧, 答案很容易就知道了, 個人深深覺得, 新加坡人的雙語介面真的很不錯了, 特別是一些華人的玩意兒, 這裡的翻譯真得很貼切, 所以, Justine超喜歡看這裡雙語版的來年運勢, 農民曆, 還有現在收到一堆的年貨DM讀起來都特別有意思, 讓我跟大家分享一下吧!!

圖說: 檸檬愛玉的英文就是Lime Ice-Jelly


1. 團圓飯 Reunion Dinner

Held on Chinese New Year's Eve, the reunion dinner is one of the most important meals for a family as it signifies unity and togetherness. It is a treasured time for the renewal of family ties, and those liveing away from home make a special effort to attend this meal. And for many, it is usually a delicious, lavish feast worth looking forward to!

2. 鮑魚 Abalone (新加坡當地人年節必備)

A delicacy especially popular during Chinese New Year, abalone is prized for its resemblance to ingots which symbolise money and fortune. Also known as 鰒魚(fu yu) in Mandarin, it sounds very close to 富裕 (fu yu) which means "wealth," making it a doubly auspicious item to have during the festive period!

3. 鳳梨酥 Prosperous Pineapples (黃梨塔/捲/糕餅, 新加坡當地人年節必備)

Pineapple cookies are a must-have for many families during Chinese New Year. This is not just because of the delightful buttery pastry and yummy pineapple jam. It's also becuase the Chinese words for pineapple 黃梨 (huang li) sound like "prosperity arrives" in various Chinese dialects, making it a super auspicious goodie!

圖說: 一口味的黃梨餅超好吃!

圖說: 這些糕餅新春特別熱銷, 深受華人喜愛.

圖說: 這些糕餅都有特別意義, 為求好兆頭!

4. 髮菜 Black Moss (新加坡當地人年節必備)

The ultimate auspicious food item for Chinese New Year! So called 髮菜 (fa cai) or hair vegetable" in Chinese because of its resemblance to black hair when dried, it sounds very similar to 發財 (fa cai), which means "strike a fortune"! make sure you include it in your festive meals!

5. 除舊佈新大掃除 Spring Cleaning

In preparation of Chinese New Year, families will spend days on end thoroughly cleaning their homes to clear out bad luck and make room for new forfunes. So get your house spick and span and get the good luck rolling in!

6. 招財進寶(Zhao Cai Jin Bao) Usher In Prosperity

7. 三牲 Triple Braised Delight (拜拜用到的三牲通常是用烹煮過的雞鴨豬肉)

8. 盆菜 Pot of Prosperity Harvest, Treasure Bowl (通常是新加坡這裡人家年夜飯常會準備的的砂鍋褒湯)

圖說: 年節喜歡圍爐吃盆菜

9. 禮籃 CNY Hamper

圖說: 禮籃看起來都很豪華

10. 補品禮盒 Tonic Gift Set 

圖說: 這個補品禮盒算大放送, 買補品送WMF鍋子, 真大手筆!

11. 魚生  Yusheng (音取, 年年有餘 Nian Nian You Yu) 

圖說: 新年期間家家戶戶撈魚生

12. 佛跳牆 Buddha Jumpover the Wall

13. 魚鰾 Fishmaw

14. 枸杞 Barbery Wolfberry

15. 雞高湯 Chicken Broth

16. 寫春聯 Couplet Writing

圖說: 福到

圖說: 2011年新春運勢

圖說: 所有的Sales Promotion也圍繞著過年話題轉!

圖說: 西邊商場有戰事, 特別是在Clementi, West Coast, 因位新商場1/13甫開幕!

圖說: 新春期間到朋友家訪客都會題兩個橘子拜門討吉利

圖說: 貼有吉祥字的蘋果禮合很受消費者青睞


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