
好久沒寫部落格, 冷落了格友太久, 真是萬不得已, 真想念那段可以經營自己的時光! 看完了第一本The Hunger Games, 好像有點太慢發現, 電影都下片了, 不過也因此, 逼得自己努力把書看完, 很難想像那麼厚的原本書, 怎麼K完它, 只能說太令人著迷了, 欲罷不能! 這是我繼"暮光之城"後, 另一套相當喜歡的小說.  感謝好友Betty幫我帶來的精神糧食!

很難想像以青春少男女們當貢品, 只能靠你死我活的拼鬥戰役, 才能存活下來! 這樣的故事架構怎麼讓人信服. 可能還覺得太荒謬了, 看完之後, 真如當頭棒喝. 可能以為只有最強最後廝殺, 或者很會動腦的人才有機會勝出, 萬萬沒想到, 還能保有人性, 才是勝出的關鍵. 也許遊戲本身就是把人禽獸化, 或怪物化, 只能拼命廝殺, 但是Katniss, Petta能勝出, 還在於他們有人性, 危難時還能真情相挺.  這好難解釋喔, 正如同Peeta 也講不清的狀況. "My best hope is to not disgrace myself and" ... "I don't know how to say it exactly. Only I want to die as myself." 死得像自己? 看來Peeta選擇的死: 即使得在這場Hunger Games中被犧牲, 他也不想成為喪心病狂的殺人怪.

Katniss雖強, 也不至於強到可以打敗其他競爭的對手而勝出, 我覺得有點寫實暗喻. 好比你在職場想出人頭地, 好想把人踩在腳底是選擇, 但真正能勝出者, 可能是能以德服人. Katniss把Rue 看成跟Prim相當, 幾分同情, 就是Rue快死了, 也像唱lullaby 給自己妹妹, Katniss想起Peeta的話"Only I keep wishing I could think of a way to show the Capitol they don't own me. That's Iam more than just a piece in their games." A few steps into the woods grows a bank of wildflowers.....they have blossoms in beautiful shades of violet n yellow n white.....I docorate her body in the flowers. Covering the ugly wounds. Wreathing her face. Weaving her hair with bright colors. "Bye, Rue" I whisper. I press the three middle fingers of my left hand against my lips n hold them out in her direction. Then I walk away without looking back. Katniss用一種溫和而堅定的方式向這場遊戲, 這個城市表達抗議. 


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